
Beats by Dr Dre solo nging and fear simil

Grow common dyestuff, want to acquire a little bit easily, but this kind of combustion dint wonderfully the explosive is very unsteady.From burning phenomenon too universal, until the A noon war will soon start of time, Yue I just studied to plus picric acid the bluntness turn the way that lowers sensitivity, the Yue is originally called this kind of explosive"descend Lai explosive", but time already too late, so A noon war of time .Yue originally the navy use of and north ocean navy similar black explosive.
But Russian navy has been using ground is a black explosive.It is traveling to follow ground for time.Russian fleet ground shell's using ground is a black explosive.Yue I am a treasure of this kind of"descend Lai explosive"s.Considered as tallestly a secret.Actually.The western nation has already once experimented.Even if is plused bluntness to turn.The picric acid is still fairly unsteady.Though the power isn't small.But shoot enemy's warship hereafter.Generally can not go deep into the warship body explosion in the inner part.Just result in a fire just on the warship.So all countries all gave up this kind of ammunition.The whole world's only hasing now Yue origin and tiger minister in the ground Chuang in Gansu is producing this kind of thing.
"The full speed goes forward.Which afraid all of us sacrifice.Also want to tie up Russia**warship!"
2 serves as false attack ground Yue originally the destroyer madly make a pounce upon far Russian cruiser at 10,000 meters other parts of country.But sea surface ascend Russianly the shell Be getting more intensive.It was all shell explosion to arise water pillar everywhere on the sea surface.
On"promise in the Na tile" number.Luo's space is a bit depressed.So lately Russia**the warship didn't transmit sound device.Not the one who know design wasn't a brain into water!Direct each cannon stroke Yue originally the destroyer want to depend military band to give musical performance differently melody on board.More desperately BE.Russian water soldier incredibly doesn't understand English.He ground the order want to be informed by translation.But the translation don't acquaint with to the military technical term.Spread a ground of order usually be misunderstood.Ping Jing Cuo Zhe De was goodly a horse the affair is all like that.
The Luo space is Russian to these water soldier ground the character was also a Nao head.This ages.English is an in general use language,Beats by Dr Dre solo.Water Russianly soldier and military officer but basically the nobody understand English.Russia declares the third in the world strongly fleet.But don't match a ground of qualified military officer and character water soldier of Gao with fleet.Thus ground military cultivated manners.Even if Luo's space has Na Er lousily artistic talent.Also wanting a head is greatly like Dou.
Now each cannon almost is have been already lost control.Four main cannon and more than ten side Xians the cannon is about respectively a war.The shell has already beaten 100 to deliver more now.But four Yues originally the destroyer is incredibly intact have no Sun.But those 2 serve as false attack ground the destroyer see come is intend to become the false attack strong to offend.Already the full speed comes over to blunt"promise in the Na tile" number.The distance has already shortenned 5,000 meters now.
Is crowded on the deck and become the sweet non-commissioned officer soldier of one pimple and Australia to employ a soldier already though still strong make a town to settle, but a s all start cringing and fear similar to the courage, can be infected each other, see come out, these trainings' having plain army has already lost that kind of gradually the courage that ignores life and death.
"Want to be not, run?The good brave fellow doesn't accept short-term loss!"Chen Tie Dan spoke a suggestion that lets Luo's space disdain extremity.
"We British Empire ground navy, always all meet an enemy to necessarily fight!You pure people like to escape?The cruiser was frightenned by the destroyer to run.That our these people still all rather jumped into sea a suicide to calculate!"Luo's space firmly of way.
Chen Tie Dan in fact words just exported and then regretted, was just preparing seek lend a people this sentence take back, result drive this British devil very hardly choke of the neck keeps Geng and could not go up bottom not of, the of face Sao is red.
"The Yes that all is standing to urinate, you Qiang Lao Tze?"Chen Tie Dan becomes angry from embarrassment and toward a translation call way:"Tell those Russian old hair sons, concentration beating of the gunfire a per!Kill a sufficient to cover cost, kill a pair to earn!"
Luo space to he this kind of counts unworthy one Shen of level, the cruiser of more than 10,000 tons beats 3, 400 destroyers.Killing is ten, oneself died all not enough origin!But what he said seems to be reasonable, if is the water soldier of high character, with the thermodynamic power of cruiser.The nature can fight 4-5 destroyers at the same time, but these water soldiers were really too lousy, the target was getting more, and their eyes also spend.Not equal to per dozen, use gunfire ground density to make up the shortage of quasi- degree.
"All attention, take aim at right ahead recent of enemy's warship, open fire!"Luo's space also pulls throat to shout a way.
The translation translated English into Russian, while the herald soldier of Russia also no longer hoped that military band and notified each cannon respectively.
Suzuki Guan too Lang just at Be marveling huge Russian ground gunfire power and sneering at Russian of inferior gunning technique, suddenly, he detection.Russia**have already pointed to the gun muzzle right ahead on all artilleries of warship, target's seeming is oneself.
"Eight Gas, the full speed goes forward!Hurtle to Russian cruiser front of!Attackstone with the torpedo!"Too the Suzuki Guan Lang shouts oneslef hoarse of roar a way.
"Bomb Long" a deliver 305 millimeters of huge huge shell of cannon at Suzuki Guan too of the Lang the downfall of surface of 20 meters in the warship front, water flower sweeps with play a slice of film at the same time to this very small destroyer, the Yi gathers the hospital letter tube ground the sensitivity embody advantage in the naval battle, this kind of run into the surfaces will explode of the detonator sparked this hair huge shell.A spirit wave almost lifts destroyer to turn over, is dashing away in the full speed of warship immediately the elephant is the strong horse that is pulled bridle, warship head the dozen is horizontal, living rarely and be pushed toward the part, water wave curls up a ground of whirlpool to let the destroyer drop a , warship tail incredibly forward.
A deliver huge cannon of near lose to play to let this destroyer lose soon, but this to Suzuki Guan too the Lang is fatal and hold still of the target exercise than the high speed medium of the target beat so much many.Almost is at the same time, there are ten several hair shells covering at this destroyer of on all sides.Have flaming blazing flame on Teng of sea surface.Is very hot fire to collect to the center, on the destroyer of be also sparked.
"Return shot.Use lord cannon return shot!"Too the Suzuki Guan Lang Wu wears a nose conductor way, but that kind of poisonous smoke that suffocate, the gunner basically could not see the target of front, this smallly destroyer drive rise Teng on all sides ground yellow smoke to surround.
Close on the heels of afterward the second destroyer"bird pill" number, bitterly looking at Suzuki Guan too"rain fog" number destroyer embarked by Lang drive on delivering 153 millimeters of shells to shoot, but"rain fog" behind don't sink, the Yi gathers hospital letter tube too sensitive, shot momentary of forecastle to explode in the shell, don't go deep into forecastle inner part, raging flames hurtle a sky on"rain fog" number, rain Lai explosive that kind of meet iron also burnable of characteristic, let"rain fog" number become a chain iron stove for floating.
The Yue on the warship originally the water soldier struggle in the flame and leap to jump, surprised shout crazy call, just the fire is really a lot too big, those people look just some vain shadows just, these Yue originally water the soldier haven't waited to dive into sea, be lived to lively burn coke.
Chen Tie Dan is from the telescope in see"rain fog" number hit by bullet, happy of keep leaping Gao, connect a voice call way:"Like, beat again, send to the bottom it!"
Luo's space hurriedly stops a way:"Want to beat to be next now!"
"Has not this sunk!"Chen Tie Dan is a bit not rest assured.
"This kind of small destroyer, one cannon is all right already!The order that listens to me, continues to fight next!"Luo's space also comes to spirit and stand chest bottom to annoy hundred percent of call way.
Russian gunner a see a dozen in a Yue originally destroyer, also powerfuled head, the gun muzzle changed direction "bird pill" number again.
After being two to together shoot, "bird pill" number drive deep-fried Be getting grounder, two deliver 305 millimeters of shells of main cannon to directly let the destroyer of this small wretchedness disintegrate, deep-fried groundly wood door and inside the wood of Xiang cut off to float on the surface drive next the Lai explosive spark and burn on the sea surface.
In broad daylight attackstone war row with the destroyer warship or heavy type the cruiser was originally the action that grew to seek dead, only Suzuki Guan too Lang this kind of bedlamite would descend an order like this, also only Yue this water soldier would unconditional performance this kind of knowing perfectly welling is the order that makes them walk into death.
The distance of of 2:00 forever is a straight line recently.Sent to the bottom to take the offensive face to face of"rain Related articles:

