
www.headphones-fashion.com This childe's wantin

The action of the puppet dilatoriness 0.1, this very short time has been all right already, Li Jian's short knife in a twinkling chops down several hundred knives, that puppet is cut numerous fragments ……
When Li Jian breaks puppet, evil soul in the sky the one step floated in former times first half empty, rapid escape!Li Jian certainly can't pass it, this guy is more and more strong, if this continues source of endless trouble, quickly make track for shot.Evil soul in the sky has no entity, the activity is extremely fast, Li Jian targeted evil soul in the sky and promoted speed with all strength and always let evil soul proundhearted view in a sky in, because of, can hide his/her own breathing and motion according to experience of last time evil soul in the sky.
Li Jian all the way and wildly makes track for and makes track for to make track for and unexpectedly returned to the last city again, Li Jian wishes evil soul in a sky afraid is again want to look for puppet, however, he isn't really either to mind, the ordinary people do the words of puppet, root defenseless.Before passing by the disorder of the son, the last city is also almost an empties city, has no several individuals on the street.
Li Jian makes track for evil soul in the sky and leaps between last streets and alleys Gao Lou's an one-storied house in the city, often to evil soul hair in the sky**absolute being wave, try interference its activity, however, always differed so a little.
Made track for more than a hour, evil soul in the sky is in a deadlock for a while, Li Jian's exultation, the body plays to shoot but.Just fell to the ground, prepared to lend dint Teng to jump here, a burst of and in great disorder step voice, around gushed a to help a person, probably have more than 200 persons, all took weapon on the everyone hand, the vehemence roaringly surrounded Li Jian.Li Jian feels that the position that these people stands constitutes a strategies unclearly, other Li Jian didn't cautiously see and led the way of white sun true person, his pouring is one eye to recognize out, the others also aren't weak all, among them more than ten superiors, compare white sun true person also bad so at 1:00.
Li Jian this under probably guess evil soul in a sky why will grind to a stop here, most likely is wanted to seek a suitable person to do puppet from these people.Because these people's emergence, Li Jian a little bit, similar to last time, evil soul in the sky suddenly lost a trace.However, Li Jian isn't worried either, wishing evil soul in a sky must be to hide a where to refrain from rash action breathing, perhaps, also come out to make a surprise attack oneself.Thus, Li Jian is quiet quiet Be signed to publically surround bottom, mentality always square circle five inside of the scope cover with.
Li Jian divides a some spirits and inspects at present these people, careful on seeing the person of understanding still many, the department Tu sword south, Xu Shao Ling, hardy rubber bark, Long Er, six roar, blue thousand Qins.Li Jian looks about past of time, the department Tu sword south, hardy rubber bark and Xu Shao Ling's accompanying is that the air isn't kind, but Long Er is a mouth is one Pie, deliver a weird smile to Li Jian.Is blue thousand Qin heel at a lucid and attractive middle age Taoist priestess body side, middle age Taoist priestess nearby in addition to blue thousand Qinses still have more than 20s, it is very beautiful to also accompany, they should be the person of cloud heart Ge.
The middle age Taoist priestess comes forward an one step, orthoptic Li Jian, ask a way:"This childe's wanting to be necessarily is a knife is getting more evil, dare to ask nowadays his majesty and Zhen king to is killed by you."
Li Jian Pie the Taoist priestess is one eye, way:"BE,www.headphones-fashion.com."
"Can the childe know the result that you do like this?"The Taoist priestess asks a way again.
Li Jian wanted to think and answered a way:"Know, shine on the current circumstance is seen, the big summer is afraid is still want in disorder last several years, dying again one was several ten ascended 1,000,000 people, the lucky words canned also protect some vitalities and controled breath not good of words, the peripheral race took advantage of an opportunity incursion, perhaps big summer will the Wu country exterminate entire race ……"
Li Jian says so that the present and public facial expression all becomes extremely difficult to see, the middle age Taoist priestess is one face dark, interrogation way:"The childe knows perfectly wells thus, why still need to do so?With personal private, place ten thousand people in water fire!"
On smiling, Li Jian Hei's Hey's way:"Might as well the truth tell you, I not am your person of this world, you the affairs of this world I always also not think a tube, however, some people always ask for me and had got I want to pay for it naturally, as far as other of I am so many Be getting more beyond the power to care.Conveniently saying is a , my advising you don't bother me to do proper business today, otherwise, the result is very serious."
Is public all is deliberating Li Jian Hua's meaning, six roars the station come out at this time, Lin however way:"The you skill in martial arts is high unique, but at under to you is but very despise ……"
The words of six roars make reference to this to be, Li Jian probes into evil soul in the sky to appear reaction, don't want to realize these boring personages again as well, Teng body but rise, will rush at the place of evil soul in a sky.However, these people think that Li Jian wants to take advantage of an opportunity to escape, an old man about 50 years old, lead off to start to jump a double, the Zhang coagulates strong strength spirit to clap toward Li Jian, Li Jian Shen's form drive Zu Zu, hang to stop half to get empty.
That old man is suspending in mid air, put an elder generation Gao Ren's power, openings way:"Old man ……"
"Old your mama of!"Li Jian urgently wears to make track for shot an evil soul for sky and denounces openly, a knife pares, and that old man effort wasn't weak, unexpectedly moved out of the way.However, he is still pared an arm by Li Jian.Li Jian also no longer does to realize more and continues to make track for toward evil soul in the sky.
See Li Jian an and then pare the arm to the superior who has a number, the others don't dare and obstruct as well, Li Jian leaves so.White sun true person immediately Yang track:"The everybody Wu Lin's person of same belief, everyone with one mind joins force to put~to deat today in addition to this is evil, destroy evil for Wu Lin!"The initiative makes track for shot Li Jian.Is public to bomb however agree, respectively display means, make track for shot Li Jian is since then.
Evil soul in the sky seems the with intention to and Li Jian play hide-and-seek and presented in a short while, Li Jian just arrived to evil soul in a sky in times before the position of place, it disappeared again, Li Jian Zhi could stand to wait for it again appearing at first.Li Jian Yi stops bottom, white sun true person one stem the person wait and round he.Li Jian Xin's way, these guys were too vexed!Don't say as well what, body form one Shan Be blunt to come forward to go, the short knife is a burst of to brandish, and moment more than ten persons became broken bits.
The white sun true person sees this situation, and then sees Li Jian complexion dark and quickly drink a way:"Fu evil big, rise!"
The white sun true person gives order, public and a burst of quickly run, continuously walk, change position.The surrounding space is a burst of and hallucinogenic, surroundings original of scene disappear, change the one of doing fog Teng Teng, this strategies unexpectedly not match shot strategies but is a space strategies.Li Jian's mentality under the influence of space strategies, the mentality supervises and controls scope to consumedly let up, these people's attack his pouring is to don't worry, afraid fear that evil soul in the sky takes advantage of an opportunity a sneak attack.
Li Jian is signed to in motionless, rapid calculate the composing of this strategies in the brain, discover this strategies unexpectedly is is extremely little to use in spaces strategies of kill, although isn't that complete,still can produce result.Along with the operation of strategies in the whole world of the energy constantly and constantly flow out into, Li Jian the energy of the surroundings starts violent the surging is like a crushed stones machine general.
If is a past Li Jian completely can be strong line of to break this strategies, however, now is to don't go, with his current strength go to hard put together the kill in of the energy impact isn't extremely wise.Luckily Li Jian is a strategies expert, breaking this strategies be not what difficult matter, just Li Jian needs a period of time.
The sudden is fond of a disease in fog to shoot several hundred sword spirits on all sides, cover to Li Jian, has been killed adding of energy in to hold, these swords annoy more arrogant.Face this kind of attack, Li Jian naturally know better than to go to hard put together, just transformation step, also with walking of space strategies a method to act, these swords' annoying temporarily can not also harm him, Li Jian Zhi waits calculation completion to break but.
Current affairs always can't smoothly, Li Jian is afraid of he returns be really come what, Li Jian stops dead a step, evil soul in the sky appears at his respond inside the scope, it unexpectedly also goes into.Don't wait Li Jian to think more, evil soul in the sky has already led the energy in to kill toward Li Jian, Li Jian quickly squareds, within the scope of this strategies, his wanting to avoid is also ability not.Li Jian but isn't afraid, also lead the energy of the energy and evil soul in the sky in is the move for fighting force with force towards bumping, completely, 2 people resisting of mentality more from with beginning have never stopped next lead.
Once time grow, the strategies revolve more and more and quickly, the energy more accompanies more many, with this kind of not that complete strategies, shine on if this continues will take place big explosion, the 1 of present person can not run when the time comes, Li Jian really doubts white sun the old way knows not to know this strategies actual use, Li Jian probably has been already known how Related articles:

