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The soldier appeared after valley, the most of empresses gold soldier knew oneself to flee for life have no road, then kneel on the ground to loudly ask for forgiveness, weapon, nature is with throw .away
Su Ling waits until to flap a force revenue ten over battlefield, this just takes to ride barracks to slowly get into a river valley inside.
This war has to let to flap Wu Ying to experience the true war of a time of true knife true gun from beginning to end and connect to take to sweep battlefield to also want will in normal times in the change keeping firmly in mind is a concrete activity.
From get into valley, arrive combat be over, flapped Wu Ying Yong not to arrive half of two-hour period.In consideration of this is flap Wu Ying of first war, Su Ling feels satisfieds to this.This namely means that remaining Yan Ze from trains a true war, have already flap Wu Ying Dai can fight of camp.This to Su Ling department the function that recruit, expand troops to have very importance in the days to come.
Remaining Yan Ze finishes handling to flap Wu Ying's affair, this just comes noodles to see Su Ling.
This battle remaining Yan Ze didn't personally kill an enemy, the in the mind always had some strange Yang matchless fellings.The eye sees personal square great victory, but can watch from the sidelines, how could generous?But Su Ling has already again and again given repeated advice to, this doesn't receive to lead troops great commander from the night, having to overcome this kind of mental state.
"Eldest brother."Remaining Yan Ze will fight a horse to stop and stop is before the horse at the Su Ling.
"How is results in battle?"
"Kill enemy's 1,123, capture 870."
"Flap Wu Ying?"Su Ling asks a way.
Once the happy expression of remaining Yan Ze noodles sink and say:"Fall in action 367, harm 720."
Su Ling not the language, the result like this, exactly calculate to calculate so much bad?However, this is all worth.
"Your flap Wu Ying and at last do."Su Ling lightly said such a, then remaining Yan Ze the temporary tediousness sweeps clean.
"Eldest brother, my whereabouts placed to capture a soldier."
Remaining Yan Ze stired a horse to run several steps, hurriedly turned round again and said:"Eldest brother, there of how do the common people handle?"
Su Ling hopes to watch from a distance this young brothers, a happy then forget a matter, still have to do more.
"How much?"
"Have no thin number, the men and women Be old little to add, have 3,000 many."
Su Ling wanted to think, after suddenly seeing an in the ground the gold soldier's dead body, a long plait suddenly came into view.
"Did they all shave hair?"Su Ling asks.
Remaining Yan Ze is one Zheng, think think, seem to be proper in the recollection just see, then answer a way:"All shave hair."
Su Ling eyebrows a wrinkly, say:"Say with them, go to a plait.Let you of the wounded soldiers all return to river's fortress in the town to go and bring back these people all."
"BE."Remaining Yan Ze should arrive and gesticulate desire to walk.
"Do not go to a plait, give you be capture a soldier to use."Su Ling tightly makes track for and repairs 1.
Remaining Yan Ze hopes to watch from a distance Su Ling and answers a way:"BE."Finish saying, then Zong horse but go.
Sweep battlefield and treatment common people, and then hold up a hour, pour to compare proper just one war flower ground time is and the rise.But handle to capture a soldier,did not spend how many times.
At after the vacant land of gold army camp up, 870 empress the gold capture a soldier to very neatly kneel into a horse's hoofs form, everybody after death stands two hands to keep flapping of waist knife Wu Ying's soldier.This appearance hasn't put well, be again denounced by person from the common people, and then searched 70 concealed more of empress gold soldier.This totally 900 much the gold capture soldiers to all kneel on the ground behind.Standing on all sides is full to flap in the middle of Wu Ying those the warrior of three wars never, the side of higher geography, then concentrated all here of common people.
However, that afterwards several 10 people, whether is a wish don't go to the common people of plait, no man knows.Su Ling hands over to treat to remaining Yan Ze, while the remaining Yan Ze hands over to treat to do for own several ten escort.After the event, Su Ling didn't interfere with any further.
Remaining Yan Ze rides right away and in the center and back and forth carries on the back Chi several turns in the horse's hoofs, then pulls out waist knife, the in mid air brandished several under, then stop, all people all eye this middle of remaining Yan Ze.Remaining Yan Ze hopes to watch from a distance to Su Ling of distance and closes tightly a pair of lipses, then will hang the waist knife of in mid air to fiercely get down a to flick.
Sees all empresses a gold a captive after death flap Wu Ying soldier along with remaining Yan Ze that flicks, immediately raising the knife will kneel of empress gold the captive chop down.Moment, listen to the crying for voice in full field one earthquake sky, those common people were frightenned complexion hair white by this act, courage big of the young man then continue to hesitate,cheap dr dre beats.
Sees all empresses a gold soldiers all beat to roll on the ground, blood direct current, whole body blood stains.Is proper that knife just, only an arm that hew away a gold soldier behind, or left or right, this wants to see the soldier and he or she's favour that chops down a person.
Remaining Yan Ze of field middle again raises knife, this how much some mimicry Su Ling's styles, at least, have a liking for to go now, remaining Yan Ze is also a general of power and prestige.Again flick knife along with remaining Yan Ze bottom, another flap Wu Ying's soldier to walk to come forward to, chop another straggling soldiers hand.Later on, and then 2 people make change and again chop straggling soldiers legs, the last person, just chop down cut-off head.Not only such, that comes forward to bring up cut-off head, is again a soldier who didn't see blood.
The blood of remaining Yan Ze dyes to flap Wu Ying and would be so way, let the owner all is stained with blood on the whole.Although this in the center has half the number all be very likely shutting eyes to chop down, why otherwise some people chopped down one flesh, have to have some cheapness again chop down one knife.All the that this even connects to cook a meal men opportunity to get hews away several people's head, though it that person is dead,this makes the private soldier who flap the martial camp secretly put blame on later on for these several days, the meals is really poor.
From that time on, flap Wu Ying Shi kills of the hearsay then start circulating in the Liao east.This lets remaining Yan Ze is again pleased again sorrow, because of in the thereafter, flapping of his place Wu Ying, troops' expanding is the slowest.Flap Wu Ying only because hardly be declined an adding of soldier.Even if is to flap Wu Ying Da to win, those declining a soldier will also run far some, decline legendary not so bloody general.This also makes to flap Wu Ying to become Su Ling the member's a the most pure camp in department.
Abandon a ground of cripple corpse dirty blood, Su Ling rate brigade the north enter and keep rushing toward crow Gu pass.
The wounded soldiers that flap a martial camp, from one brigade 100 people escort and take common people to return to river's fortress in the town all the way.Certainly, these common people who go to a plait, also all match with on one's own initiative, lift to harm heavy but immobile wounded soldier.The horse, big car paid to get, enough pack ascend here of war booty, and those common people are Shi in the house that counts not much.
Zhao Yi of river's fortress in the town becomes and gets news and all through the night send those 3,000 impedimenta the soldier go to render assistance, lead on the twoth, just calculate the sick and wounded persons the safety connect a time and carefully protect.And, Zhao Yi becomes to give reward to all privates soldiers who get hurt because of the war, as to it's medium kill an enemy particularly many of, is also heavy prize, and through after harming to return to camp so much later on, take out to adjust advanced study in the college of military officer.
Afternoon on March 18, but Su Ling take person's horse of rest and continue to face more bloody fight to kill.
【Collect, recommend, thanks encouragement 】

The text chapter 19 canyon hides a soldier
Renew time:2009-9-1417:17:18 chapter word numbers:5075

Leave 2,000 Nu burial ground of setting up mores, go however five insides, follow fluvial of the hill path start narrowing down.
Su Ling takes black A to ride barracks in advance, remaining Yan Ze takes a beginning war flapping of great victory Wu Ying the Wei Yi follow later on, at cluster mountain in eject long long of troops.Still don't be regarded as the most hazardous place here so much, the big car, artillery all can go together, only this speed that march forward, but was slow half is above.
A hour after, Su Ling takes to wish escorts like Hao,etc to ride a soldier cross pioneering ride soldier's squad, walk at most before.Attack and occupy crow Gu the pass naturally care to anticipate in, sent person's horse going out to don't requite up to now, this can explain smoothly.However, being in the Su Ling heart is a bit anxious, today flap Wu Ying have already presented long through train military discipline strict clear impression of army, those 500 privates soldiers who flap a martial camp, again how express?
Once turned a foot of a hill, Su Ling's one eye then saw a stone to carve to close Ai suddenly but, this would is the east of the Liao wall importance pass Ai, crow Gu pass.
Narrow hill path then the lowest place between two mountains wind around to round a line, unexpectedly canning not finding 1 can keep going several hundred places.But crow Gu pass, would be an iron cable, from Related articles:

